Shine brightly and boldly with Jana Marie Foundation during this unique club focused on providing young people the strength to use their voice, follow their passions, and believe in themselves!

  2nd and 4th Mondays

September 9 – December 9, 2024

Jana Marie Foundation Office
110 Regent Court, Suite 200
State College, PA 16801

Open to 6th-8th grade girls & nonbinary friends


Through hands-on activities and discussions Jana Marie Foundation’s Shine Club provides practical tools and techniques for building resiliency and self-confidence in middle school-aged girls & nonbinary students. Participants are given opportunities to use their voice, follow their passions, and believe in themselves for the amazing young people that they are. Each session provides a space for conversations and connection and offers a time for self-reflection and expression through art and games.

Shine is held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month.  There is no cost to participate, and the club is open to middle school students identifying as female or nonbinary in Centre County.

Space is limited – sign up today, and let your child SHINE BRIGHTLY AND BOLDLY!

Thank you!

This program is made possible by the generosity of our sponsors.  Thank you for stepping up for mental wellness and making a difference in the lives of young people in our community.

State College Orthodontics

Registration Form

Shine Registration Fall 2024
Street Address
Street Address Line 2