814.954.5920 [email protected]


Parenting a teenager can be tough work and being a teenager isn’t always easy. All families can benefit from time together to connect, communicate, and contribute to the parent child relationship! Join the Jana Marie Foundation in a three-part series where teens and parents come together to learn, grow, and flourish.


Next session coming soon!

Dates will be released shortly.

Length: 3 sessions, 2 hours each

6:00-8:00 p.m.

A Parent/Teen Program

Session 1: Connect – Get ready to have fun and work together! This session is about making connections and growing together!

Session 2: Communicate- Do you ever think that you and your child are just not on the same page? This session is about how caregivers and youth communicate and what are some simple ways to strengthen the communication bond between parent and child.

Session 3: Contribute – Parents and kids bring different strengths and challenges to the relationship and everyone contributes something. This session is all about finding strategies that work for your family to find balance in all that is going on.

Registration Coming Soon!