814.954.5920 [email protected]


Jana’s Art and Music (J.A.M.) Sessions share themes and messages around building self-confidence, practicing self-care, and developing healthy relationships through the use of creative expression. J.A.M. Sessions are offered throughout the year for various age groups. Check out the schedule below and get ready to JAM!

Upcoming Session:

Monday, April 1, 2024 [*Feb. session canceled due to weather*]
9 am-1 pm
St. Mark Lutheran Church of Snydertown

For Students in Grades 2-5 


About J.A.M. Sessions

Art, music, and creative expression are lifelong sources of resilience, self-confidence, and happiness. Expand your creative thinking and mental well-being by expressing yourself in this unique, hands-on, experiential program. By exploring topics that embrace diversity, compassion, self-expression, and empathy, students will equip themselves with tools necessary to build and maintain relationships and learn healthy coping skills. Each session will focus on a different theme that allows participants to creatively reflect on their past, envision their future, and appreciate their present.

Registration Form

J.A.M. Session Snydertown
Street Address
Street Address Line 2