814.954.5920 [email protected]


Jana Marie Foundation 110 Regent Court, Suite 200, State College, PA, United States

Young people have a powerful platform to create change and contribute to their communities in ways that are creative and have an impact. Through activities, education, and student led initiatives, […]

Teen Mental Health First Aid

Penns Valley High School

Private Event; Teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA) teaches teens in grades 10-12, or ages 15-18, how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use […]


Radio Park Elementary School 800 W Cherry Lane, State College, PA, United States

Private After School Event

Grow Club

Jana Marie Foundation 110 Regent Court, Suite 200, State College, PA, United States

After-school club for students in grades 4 & 5. The primary goal for GROW is to connect students with each other and to their communities. By exploring topics that embrace […]

NACG Conference Session: The Multiverse of Grief

WPSU 100 Innovation Boulevard, State College, Pennsylvania

WPSU and Jana Marie Foundation are excited to host a livestream of the National Alliance for Children’s Grief conference session on “The Multiverse of Grief: A Multicultural and Expressive Arts […]