Sharing themes and messages around building self-confidence, developing positive relationships, and expressing emotions in ways that are creative and healthy
Audience: Young people in grades 4 and 5
Explore Jr. Summer Camp
Providing students a fun, interactive journey that enhances connection with self and others through creative techniques, games, and services.
Audience: rising 4th & 5th-grade students
Offering young women a time for self-reflection, expression through art, and connectivity to other students and local community.
Audience: Young women grades 6-8.
Designed to give students an opportunity to come together and practice resiliency skills, mindfulness, movement, and meditation.
Audience: Students in grades 6-12
Helping young men explore their sense of purpose through creative expression from comics and cartoons to rap and hip-hop.
Audience: Young men grades 5-8.
Explore Summer Camp
Providing students a fun, interactive journey that enhances connection with self and others through creative techniques, games, and services.
Audience: rising 6th - 12th grade students
Exploring mother-daughter relationship through creative expression, engaging activities, and a variety of communication tools.
Audience: Young women (grades 6-8) and their mothers or caregivers.
KNOW Book Club provides an opportunity for self-discovery and self-reflection through vibrant discussions surrounding carefully selected works of literature
Audience: Students in grades 6-8
SOAR Club provides young men and nonbinary friends across Centre County an opportunity to connect and build leadership and resiliency skills through acts of service.
Audience: Students in grades 6-8
Spearheading activities and discussions to the end the silence that often surrounds mental health.
Audience: Students in grades 6-12
Creating a space where parents and teens can come together to learn, grow, and flourish through a three part series focused on connecting, communicating, and contributing.
Audience: Middle/High School students and their parent/caregiver
Providing young women across Centre County an opportunity to build personal strength and self-confidence through a fun and interactive day.
Audience: Young women grades 6-12.
Click here to see information about 4 of our most popular high school mental health programs.
KNOW Book Club provides an opportunity for self-discovery and self-reflection through vibrant discussions surrounding carefully selected works of literature
Audience: Students in grades 9-12
Mental Health Matters Club
A collaboration with State College Area High School's student-run Mental Health Matters Club, an interactive group designed to build community and advocate for mental health and wellness within the high school.
Audience: 9th - 12th-grade students
Explore Summer Camp
Providing students a fun, interactive journey that enhances connection with self and others through creative techniques, games, and services.
Audience: rising 6th - 12th grade students
Providing young women across Centre County an opportunity to build personal strength and self-confidence through a fun and interactive day.
Audience: Young women grades 6-12.
Spearheading activities and discussions to the end the silence that often surrounds mental health.
Audience: Students in grades 6-12
Designed to give students an opportunity to come together and practice resiliency skills, mindfulness, movement, and meditation.
Audience: Students in grades 6-12
Breathe Together
Inspired by the exhibition The Anxiety Project, this workshop creates a creates a space to spark conversations, build connections, and promote mental well-being.
Audience: 18+ / All
Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group
Providing an opportunity to come together to share and gain insight and understanding into our grief that comes as a result of suicide.
Audience: 18+
Working with artists, schools, and community organizations to stomp out the stigma associated with mental illness.
Audience: All
"Mokita" — a known truth that is left unspoken. Combining art, poetry, and community dialogues to address topics like poverty, suicide, disabilities, and other "elephants in the room."
Audience: All
Elevating awareness of mental health issues with a series of community events and programs throughout the month of May.
Audience: All
Join us to support the Foundation’s work to promote mental and emotional wellness through dialogue and creative expression. Held annually in the spring.
Audience: Everyone.
Philosophy of Hope Concert
Join Ken Baxter and Friends for a unique night of music, enlivened by theatrical set design and compelling dialogue, to raise funds and celebrate
Audience: Pre-teens, teens, and adults
J.A.M. Sessions
Helping young people build self-confidence and develop healthy relationships through the use of creative expression
Audience: Students in Grades 2-12
Reflecting on one of the leading causes of death in the United States and help our community focus on prevention throughout the month of September.
Audience: All
Supporting young people in their dreams to pursue their passions through self-expression.
Audience: Young people